Updated Show Orders and Dispense Log Screens

Created January 19, 2022 By MDScripts

Article Summary

The Show Orders screen and Dispense Log report have been updated to assist users with searching for existing orders and reporting on recent dispenses. See Full article for details.

Updates to Show Orders Screen

The Show Orders screen is intended to be used as a search tool for locating specific orders that may need to be reviewed or to have an overview of recent orders created in the system. The Dispense Log report should be used to get a report of orders created during a specific time-frame or a filtered list of orders based on common criteria.

  1. Sorting of orders updated to be reverse chronological, so the most recent orders will always be at the top of the list.
  2. Updated Grouping and icons so that date values are more easily seen when scrolling down list.
  3. Quick Filter icons added to Patient, Medication, and Prescriber fields allowing user to quickly filter list based on these values.
  4. Type Ahead filters for Patient and Prescriber.
  5. Prescribers now listed at Rx level instead of order level to provide greater flexibility for future Prescriber/Dispenser updates.
  6. Direct Link to Dispense Log added giving quick access to a Dispense Report option.
  7. GoToDate filter option with Calendar picker used to go to a specific date at the top of the list showing that date and previous orders. Users needing to review a date range of dispenses should use the Dispense Log report.

Updates to Dispense Log Instant Report

The Dispense Log instant report provides a convenient reporting tool for orders dispensed within shorter periods of time. If reporting for Date Ranges longer than 1 month, the Order Summary Batch report should be used. The Dispense Log report provides several field customization options as well as filter tools.

  1. Date Range Filter allows displaying up to 30 days of orders. Date range will be constrained to 30 days based on the first date selected if range is more than 30 days.
  2. Field customization and filter options can be selected. These include:
    1. Controlled Substances Only: only show scheduled drugs
    2. Show Voided: by default voided Rxs are not shown.
    3. Show Individual Containers: If multiple bottles are used to fill an Rx, this will show each individual bottle instead of aggregating the entire count dispensed.
    4. Show Lot #/Exp. Date:  Include Lot # and Expiration Date in report.
    5. Non Controlled Substances Only: Exclude Controlled dispenses.
    6. Show Rx Status: If site is using RxStatus for tracking purposes.
    7. Show Non Medications: This will include Products, Services, DME dispenses.
    8. Compounds Only: Will show only Compound Dispenses.
  3. Text and Reimbursement Filters allow searching for specific medications or Reimbursement dispenses.
  4. Export option will export current report to CSV file.
  5. Prescriber Filter allows filtering by Prescriber quickly